10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending in Kristiansand, Norway
121 participants from 20 countries enjoyed the World Conference on Sampling & Blending in Kristiansand.
- I`m so grateful and proud that the industry here at the southern coast in Norway got this well known international conference. Sampling is a fundamental science in all research, development and production. As a researcher, it`s so useful to increase the knowledge within this subject, and not to forget when we are entering the digital future, says Hege Indresand in NORCE.
The Eyde Cluster is one of the conference organizers in Kristiansand this week.
- Could have been multiplied
Here, at the 10th WCSB conference, participants and speakers from all over the world came to spend time in Kristiansand and at the conference. Earlier the conference has been held in China and Australia, and this year it was in Norway. The participants were very impressed by the conference - both by the scientific content and the activities around the conference.
- I think the event could have been multiplied, with this interesting content, says Erik Larsen in Rana Gruber.
He thinks more people could have had an interest in this conference. Specially working with mining industry. As a Plant Manger at Rana Gruber, he finds it very useful to learn more about correct sampling.
- Everyone presentating here, they say the same - representative sampling is a challenge, but not least to have knowledge about analyzis, says Larsen.
- Learning about different methods
Martin Beran (left), who works at the laboratory at Arubis, was overwhelmed by the interesting speeches, which will be directly useful for his job in Arubis - a leading global provider of non-ferrous metals and one of the largest copper recyclers worldwide.
- Here you get learning, networking and you meet people from different businesses, and learn about different ways of doing sampling. This is the right conference to attend, with its many sampling experts, says Beran.
Tommy Breda in NOAH Solutions is also very satisfied that he attended the conference, nor else he wouldn`t got the same insight anywhere else.
- With the TOS method we will make sure that we will get a representative sample and correct data, so we are sending the right samples to the laboratory. We make a lot of samples, in the process, in pipes, tanks - in many different stages. We will start to use this method, says Breda.

Foto by Bo Svensmark