10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending in Kristiansand, Norway
For the detailed program over the three conference days, including the Poster session and the Social program click here or on the graphic of the program overview.
During the conference, you will have the possibility to engage in fruitful discussions during intermissions and to broaden your network in the sampling community. The organisational committee ensures that the conference will be held in a safe and secure manner with respect to the ongoing Covid-19 situation. If your physical attendance is not possible, you can register for a streaming option for the conference.
Site visit: Friday, 3rd June, we have the pleasure of offering participants a site visit to Glencore Nikkelverk. Start at 9 am until lunch time. Program: 08:50 Departure from Radisson Caledonien by shuttle 09:00 Arrival at Nikkelverk 09:15 Welcome to Nikkelverk at auditorium- presentation of company with Q&A 10:30 Guided tour to new copper production facility 11:40 Return to Radisson Caledonien by shuttle.
Maximum amount of participants: 30 Sign-up for site visit at WCSB10 registration desk upon arrival!

Gala dinner
The gala dinner will take place on June 1st, on the second day of the conference. The gala dinner includes an aperitiff and a 3-course dinner with wine package or an alcohol free juice pairing. The venue for the Gala dinner is Mannskapsmessa, where also the "Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal" award will take place. The Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal is awarded to individuals who have made "significant contributions to teaching and dissemination of the theory and practice of sampling". There is no formal dress code for the gala dinner, but we will dress up for a garden party (think summer dresses or linen shirts)!

Short Courses
Prior to the official programme, you’ll have the possibility of attending a set of short courses on different sampling topics. These courses, arranged by experts in the field of sampling, will give the participants an opportunity to strengthen their competency within these topics:
One Day short courses
- Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and TOS-compliant sampling in Pharmaceutical production and monitoring - the rules of the game! Course providers: Brad Swarbrick, Rodolfo Romañach and Kim H. Esbensen. Date: Sunday 29th May 2022, Club 21/Sky bar meeting room at the Radisson Blu Caledonien Hotel.
- Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Sampling (TOS) – a new didactics for science, technology, industry, commerce and society. Course provider: Kim H. Esbensen, KHE Consulting, Denmark. Date: Monday 30th May 2022 at Club 21/Sky bar meeting room at the Radisson Blu Caledonien Hotel.
Two Day short courses
- Sampling Theory and Practice, their Economic Impact (Day 1) and Analysis of Sampling Correctness and the Futility of Bias Tests (Day 2). Course providers: Dominique Francois-Bongarcon (AGORATEK International Consultants Inc., Canada) & Francis F. Pitard (Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants, LLC). Date: Sunday 29th and Monday 30th May 2022 in Baldevin meeting room at the Radisson Blu Caledonien Hotel.
Read more about each short course here.
All short courses start at 9 am and ends around 5 pm. The tickets incl. lunch, coffee/tea and snacks.