10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending in Kristiansand, Norway

Francis Pitard
Theory of Sampling (TOS) / Quality Control & Quality Assurance
Dr. Francis F. Pitard is a consulting expert in Sampling, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Total Quality Management (TQM). He is President of Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants (www.fpscsampling.com) and Technical Director of Mineral Stats Inc. (MSI) in Broomfield, Colorado, USA. He provides consulting services in many countries.
Dr. Pitard has six years of experience with the French Atomic Energy Commission and fifteen years with Amax Extractive R&D. He taught Sampling Theory, SPC, and TQM for the Continuing Education Offices of the Colorado School of Mines, the Australian Mineral Foundation, for the Mining Department of the University of Chile, and the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. He has a Doctorate in Technologies from Aalborg University in Denmark. He is the author of 36 papers published over the last 40 years.
He has an outstanding expertise in all aspects of sampling accumulated during a 20-year association with C.O. Ingamells and Dr. Pierre M. Gy. He coauthored "Applied Geochemical Analysis". C.O. Ingamells and F.F. Pitard. Wiley Interscience Division, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1986. 733 pages textbook.
He published two historical novels analyzing the origins of the Easter Island people. Dr. Pitard lived for a total of 6 years in the South Pacific and had a strong interest in Polynesian archeology and philosophy.
“Heirs of a Lost Race”, 2001 ISBN: 0-7596-9472-9, Published by AuthorHouse
“Rapa Nui Settlers – by choice and necessity”, 2009 , Published by AuthorHouse.
ISBN: 978-1-4389-5158-4 (e)
ISBN: 978-1-4389-2940-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4389-2942-2 (hc)
Dr Pitard published a biography of a French Resistance hero. “From Normandy to the Hell of Ravensbruck: Life and escape from a concentration camp – The true story of 44667.” The true story of Dr. Pitard’s great aunt during WWII.
Page Publishing, Inc. 2016
ISBN 978-1-68348-728-9 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-1-68348-729-6 (Digital)
He is the author of an essay on Nuclear Physics, titled “The Theory of Vacuoles and Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions”, 2017. http://mediahead.ca/Francis_Pitard_LENR/
Dr. Pitard doctoral thesis, Pierre Gy’s Theory of Sampling and C.O. Ingamells’ Poisson Process Approach, pathways to representative sampling and appropriate industrial standards, Aalborg University, campus Esbjerg, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, DK-67 Esbjerg, Denmark, 2009.