10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending in Kristiansand, Norway

Stephane Brochot
Mining / Minerals / Metals
Dr. Brochot obtained his doctorate (PhD) in physics from the University of Orleans-Tours and completed his education with a degree in mathematical engineering and computer processing techniques. He joined BRGM in 1991 as head of the software development and researcher.
In 1999, he is Product Manager of the process analysis software range for the design and optimisation of solids processing plants (ores, contaminated soils, wastes). Since 2004, Dr Brochot is the scientific and technical manager of Caspeo. He is in charge of the R&D activity of the company. He is continuing his research on mineral processing modelling and simulation, sampling, data reconciliation and metal accounting. He is one of the INVENTEO inventors. He was developing an expertise in sampling which has been used for several mining companies and other industries requiring sampling of solids.