10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending in Kristiansand, Norway
WCSB10 Proceedings
For submission of full and revised papers, and any other communication with the Scientific Committee, please use proceedings@wcsb10.com. Please scroll down to find all downloads.
"The Proceedings of WCSB10 will be published by IM Publications Open as online version in the same format as Proceedings WSCB7 https://www.impopen.com/tosf-toc/15_5 [ "Download complete issue" ]. The online edition will be available via the conference website, IM Publications Open and the IPGSA internet portal.
Open Access
The online edition will be an Open Access publication: freely available without any need for registration or other access requirements. This helps provide the widest dissemination for your work and allows all interested parties to read the latest research on the Theory of Sampling.
Authors’ rights
Authors retain all rights in their paper, including copyright, and can choose a Creative Commons licence to publish under. This just makes it easy for authors. There is no need to worry whether you need permission to reuse your own work. You are free to submit to other publications; of course, their particular reviewing policy would apply.
Creative Commons licences allow you to specify how your work may be used by others. From solely acknowledging the source (CC BY) to not allowing commercial reuse or any derivative works (CC BY-NC-ND). You might find this page helpful: https://www.impopen.com/blog/creative-commons-licences-and-jsi-journal-spectral-imaging. There is full information about CC licences at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/.
Guidelines for Posters
The poster must be no less than A1 (594 x 841 mm) and no larger than A0 size ( 841mm x 1188mm). Orientation of your poster must be in portrait style.
WCSB10 Master schedule for authors

WCSB10 Proceedings editor Professor Kim Esbensen

WCSB10 Proceedings Publisher, Mr. Ian Michael, IM Publications Open