10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending in Kristiansand, Norway

31st May-
2nd June


Economic arguments for representative sampling in technology, industry, commerce, trade and society.

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WCSB10 31st May - 2. June 2022, Kristiansand Norway

Thank you to all participants and sponsors of the WCSB10. 

121 participants from 20 countries world wide enjoyed the three day World Conference on Sampling and Blending, in Kristiansand Norway 2022.

Read the full report from the conference here 

The video recordings of the conference is now available here

Download the proceedings from the conference here



The conference covers the latest research and application of the Theory of Sampling (TOS) and Blending.

WCSB10 is relevant for many scientific and technological sectors: mining, minerals processing, metals, cement, food & feed,agri & aqua culture, pharmaceuticals a.o. WCSB10 will also focus on a broader societal, industrial and environmental emphasis along the lines of sustainable science, technology and industry.

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WCSB 1-9

The 10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending, represents a continuation of the activities carried out over two decades by the global sampling community. There are very good reasons to celebrate the scientific results from each individual conference, a progress that is documented by the International Pierre Gy Sampling Association (IPGSA). The first nine conferences bear witness to steadily increasing scientific (and social) results and a well-documented series of high-quality proceedings. The number of attendees to the inaugural WCSB1 in 2003 (Esbjerg, Denmark) was 117, has been gradually growing at succeeding conferences with an average level of ca. 150-175, and so far culminating the unique 556 delegates to WCSB9 in Beijing, China (2019), where the proceedings reached 810 pages, out-pacing any previous conference. This two-decade development is, needless to say, highly satisfactory for the global sampling community that since 2015 established the International Pierre Gy Sampling Association, IPGSA 

Photos: Eyde Cluster and Gorm Helge Grønli Rudchinat

Photos: Eyde Cluster and Gorm Helge Grønli Rudchinat

Sustainable conference

The 10th WCSB conference will likely continue the qualitative growth from previous conferences, but not necessarily in terms of quantitative numbers. The organisational committee and Eyde Cluster would like to introduce a new sustainable direction for this conference and future conferences as well. WCSB10 will be targeting the UN world development goals nos. 9 and 12, which address sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure, and responsible production and consumption. It is hoped that the sampling community can contribute towards fulfilling the aspirations embedded in these goals. To facilitate this, some new items on the conference agenda are introduced for WCSB10:

  • Environment and sustainability is included as a new, separate session in the program. All speakers are encouraged to reflect on if -and how their work could contribute to more sustainable industry.
  • Conference target numbers are scaled back. We wish to welcome you to a conference that is high in quality and pleasant experiences. But we do not need to match, far less the unique scale and numbers achieved by the previous conference. This is also a reflection of the parallel activity of organizing semi-regular Australian, South African and South American sampling conferences in the intervening years between the biannual WCSB.
  • The amount of printed material and giveaways is also scaled down, as we believe that the digital format is convenient and readily available across the world. 
  • The organizational committee offers a streaming option to participate in the WCSB10. If you don't have the opportunity to travel to Norway, this option will allow you not to miss out on the interesting scientific sessions at the conference. With this option you will also get a digital copy of the conference proceedings.

Each conference participant is responsible for her og his own registration. The conference registration is separate from the hotel booking. You find information about both on the registration page.