10th World Conference on Sampling and Blending in Kristiansand, Norway
Invited speakers
Keynote speakers

Dominique François-Bongarçon
Dominique François-Bongarçon graduated as a Mining Engineer and holds a Doctorate in Mining Sciences and Techniques at the Geostatistics Center from the Paris School of Mines (Paris Tech).

Kim H. Esbensen
Kim H. Esbensen, a geologist/geochemist/data analyst of training, has been working 20+ years in the forefront of chemometrics, but since 2000 he has devoted most of his scientific R&D and educational outreach to the theme of representative sampling.

Ralph Holmes
Dr Ralph Holmes obtained BSc and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Melbourne in 1967 and 1972 respectively, and joined CSIRO in November 1971 to work on the application of nuclear techniques to the on-line analysis of iron ore.

Li Huachang
Dr. Li Huachang, professor with special government allowance, is general manager of BGRIMM MTC Technology Co., Ltd.and executive deputy director of the national inspection laboratory (heavy non-ferrous metals). He has published 12 books, 119 papers and contributes to more than 40 Chinese and international standards.

Richard Minnitt
Professor Richard Minnitt has taught into the undergraduate and postgraduate programme at the University of the Witwatersrand for the past 23 years, covering topics in geostatistics, mineral economics, sampling theory and practice, grade control and the marketing of mineral products.

Pentti Minkkinen
Pentti Minkkinen is Professor emeritus at Lappeenranta Lahti University of Technology (LUT) where he started teaching the theory and applications of sampling in 1978, later also chemometrics, as integral parts of process analytical chemistry.

Francis Pitard
Dr. Francis F. Pitard is a consulting expert in Sampling, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Total Quality Management (TQM). He is President of Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants (www.fpscsampling.com) and Technical Director of Mineral Stats Inc. (MSI) in Broomfield, Colorado, USA. He provides consulting services in many countries.
Technical speakers

Roger Brewer
Roger Brewer is senior environmental scientist with the Hawai’i Department of Health and has worked as a consultant in Asia and South America.

Stephane Brochot
Dr. Brochot obtained his doctorate (PhD) in physics from the University of Orleans-Tours and completed his education with a degree in mathematical engineering and computer processing techniques. He joined BRGM in 1991 as head of the software development and researcher.

Oscar Dominguez Gonzalez
Oscar Dominguez Gonzalez (Geologist, MBA, and Geo-Mining-Metallurgical Specialisation) is the Global Principal QAQC at the BHP Resource Centre of Excellence, proving Sampling & QAQC support in all the commodities in BHP, and across the supply chain: from Exploration to Port and Marketing. >20 years of international and multi-commodities mining experience, and 15 years of experience working on Sampling & QAQC applied in Exploration, Mining, Processing and Ports.

Bert Pauels
Bert is working at Umicore Precious Metals Refining for over 25 years, and is since 2006 active in the Sampling Department. After being responsible for the organization of the Sampling Operations, he is now responsible for Sampling Quality & Customer Services at Umicore PMR.

Martin Lischka
Mr. Martin Lischka (M. Sc. Geosciences and Environment), has more than nine years of experience on the field of sample taking and sample preparation. He is currently working in the R&D department at HERZOG Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG.

Claudia Paoletti
Dr. Claudia Paoletti is Programme Manager at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with extensive experience in food and feed safety assessment, and on development of appropriate sampling approaches

Rodolfo Romanach
Dr. Romañach is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus, and Site Leader for the Center for Structured Organic Particle Systems (http://ercforsops.org).